How to make friends while studying abroad

Studying abroad can be a thrilling and transformative experience. Not only do you get the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture and educational system, but it's also a chance to make lifelong friends from all corners of the world.

Life in a foreign country becomes easier when you have friends around you. However, the prospect of making friends in an unfamiliar environment can be intimidating. But don’t worry even if you are unsure of how to make friends, we'll explore some effective strategies to help you find new friends while studying abroad in this blog.

1. Embrace Cultural Exchange:
Studying abroad often means meeting people from diverse backgrounds, which presents a unique opportunity for cultural exchange. Embrace this chance to learn about other traditions, languages, and customs. Attend multicultural events, join international clubs, and participate in festivals to meet people from various backgrounds and strike up conversations. Embracing cultural diversity not only enriches your experience but also helps you form deeper connections with others.

2. Join Student Organizations: One of the best ways to meet like-minded individuals and eventually find friends is to join student organizations and clubs. Whether you're interested in sports, arts, academics, or community service, there's a club for it on campus. Engaging in activities you're passionate about will naturally connect you with others who share your interests, making it easier to bond over shared experiences.

3. Attend Social Events: Keep an eye on the university's event calendar and attend social gatherings and networking events. These events are designed to bring students together in a relaxed environment, making it simpler to initiate conversations and form connections. Be open, approachable, and willing to step out of your comfort zone – remember, everyone else is looking to make friends too!

4. Be a Good Listener: To make new friends, practice active listening. Show genuine interest in others by asking questions and showing empathy. People feel valued and appreciated when they know someone is genuinely listening to what they have to say. This will help you build meaningful connections and friendships that go beyond casual acquaintances.

5. Utilize Social Media and Networking: In today's digital age, social media is a powerful tool for making connections. You can make friends online in no time. Join Facebook groups or other online communities for international students at your university. Additionally, networking platforms like LinkedIn can help you connect with local students and professionals, expanding your social circle even further.

Studying abroad is an adventure filled with personal growth and incredible experiences. The friendships you form during this time can become some of the most cherished connections in your life. So go out there, be yourself, and create memories that will last a lifetime! And to make this possible, you will undoubtedly need the financial means to create and cherish those precious memories. Thanks to Flywire’s Student Services, you can have funds transferred to your foreign student bank account whenever you need. Flywire is a fast, reliable, and affordable payment solution specifically designed keeping in mind the needs of international students.